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Member Login
At Marine Credit Union, we believe every member of the community can achieve the goal of financial ownership and giving back. We’re all at different points on our financial journeys, but no matter where you are on yours, we can help you take the next step.
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Step One
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There’s a square one for anyone on a journey. Our mission is to help you — and your finances — move in the right direction.
Step Two
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Your financial decisions are starting to pay dividends as you transition from renter to owner — of your car, of your home, of your future.
Step Three
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You’re on sound financial footing and ready to help others in the community find theirs. This is what the journey is all about.
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Pay Forward
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Stay on top of your financial progress anytime, anywhere with our mobile banking app.
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Blessed By The Gift of Adoption
Years ago, after Bill and Cathy were married, they felt passionate about growing their family, not only biologically but also to provide a forever family…
Read MoreJune 23, 2023
A Mission Statement that Sparked a Movement
小火箭 Shadowrocket 教程 安装 使用 – Shadowfly:2021-6-30 · (复制http开头conf结束的地址,可伍直接按住复制) 如图所示,点击“下载” 点击远程配置处的地址,并点击使用配置,如图所示 7:打开自动更新订阅
Read MoreJune 23, 2023
Dignity, Respect for All a Family Legacy for Mo Contreras, MCU’s Bilingual Mortgage Rep
Meet Mo. Mo works on the Marine team as a bilingual mortgage representative. He is an ITIN Certified Lender, which means he is uniquely qualified…
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